One Shift Down

Well, last night was my first shift at my work location. For those that haven’t read my updated About Me page, I work at the Walt Disney World Resort in Merchandise at the Emporium on Main Street USA in the Magic Kingdom. Last night our trainer said it would be nice and slow. If slow means lines out the door then I am going to hate to see busy! Anyways, it was a fun time. I got a lot of expereience working with guests and the registers. I have another training shift tonight before being off on my own. I think this is going to be a great time here. I’m off to meet Andrew and some of his friends who are down from Disney’s Hilton Head Resort where they all work in Recreation for the summer. Catch you around.

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  1. Of course it’s busy there. Didn’t anyone tell you this week is Gay Day’s in Orlando? LOL. Good luck with the new role.

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