The Joys of Being CT

So as some of you know, I am currently statussed as a CT (casual temporary) cast member here at Walt Disney World. This means that I can be scheduled Full Time hours but I may not get scheduled either. Take next week for example. I was scheduled 42 hours but when the union got involved, I was rescheduled for a mere 30 hours instead. Can I just say I am glad there are shifts available for Extra Hours? So now I have 47 hours after picking up two extra shifts at Mouse Gear over at Epcot. I still love my job, I just hate the way the union dictates things.

Other than work, I am happily settling in here at my new apartment with JK, Norm and Anthony. It’s odd to have to actually commute to work now but it isn’t that far away. Anyways, I’m off to watch Return of the King. Catch you later.

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