Category: NASN Internship

Newsletter Time

Today I arrived in the office fairly early. Spent most of the morning answering phones and e-mails as Heidi is still out sick and there really isn’t that much to do this week it seems. After lunch, I began work on our weekly bulletin for the customer service team in Scotland. This will be the second one that I have helped on but probably the first that I really did most of the copy writing for it. Most of the sports coverage for next week will include a lot of NHL Hockey and NCAA Basketball LIVE games.

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New Role

Today my internship took on a new role. I am now dong some IT work for NASN here in the London office. First on the docket, repair the printer settings on two machines so they can use the network printer. Two, tackle the virus on a computer. Three, set up the new BT Internet settings once they arrive from BT. So my role just keeps expanding as you can see. Today I started my normal role as the intern by entering more names in to the contest database from a set of e-mails that arrived over the last couple of days. Other than those things, I have had a bit of downtime. Tasks come and go so it’s hard to just plan on dong something.

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Slow Monday

Not much to report today. I wrote out the newsletter blurb for The American Hour and then took some t-shirts to the post for the call center reps up in Scotland. That’s really about it today other than answering phones and making tea for meetings. Heidi, my supervisor was out sick today so it will be hard to say if she will be back tomorrow.

>>Download American Hour Newsletter Clips (MS Word)

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First Friday

Today is my first Friday here at NASN. It is a very slow and quiet day. Heidi and Roger are both out until Monday so it is just the two interns holding down the fort. This morning I finished doing the data entry project from yesterday. I had to enter in the addresses off of entry cards for a drawing we are doing that includes a trip for two to the NHL All Stars Game in MN. I also completed the newsletter I was working on for the customer service center. Aside from those, I am just taking it easy and catching up on e-mails and watching the network on the TV.

I also got a chance to do some technical work and solve a continuing printer issue for Alan. Needless to say he is all up and running again. Round up the day with the small task of going to the post office to ship out some packages to our call center with prizes for contests.

>>Download Weekly Update Bulletin 77 (PDF)

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Day 2

Well today was my first full day at the office. I left my flat at 8.00 am this morning and began the commute on a cold and wet day here in London. Arrived early so I stopped and got a coffe at Starbucks before headign to the office. Quiet day in the office today as two people were out traveling for work. I finalized the script for the next three American Hour radio shows and then proceeded to enter names and contact details in to a database for a NHL contest that is running here at NASN where the winner will win a trip to Minneapolis, MN (Yay Hometown!) to see the All Star Game in February at the Xcel Energy Center. No chance to make tea today as I have been occupied doing typing most of the day. So far so good.

>>Download American Hour Scripts (MS Word)

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How to make Tea

So one of my first tasks was to make tea for a meeting. I have NEVER once in my life made tea. So for those that don’t know how, here is what you will need:

  • Hot Water
  • Mugs
  • Tea Bags
  • Sugar
  • Milk


  1. First place the tea bag in the bottom of the mug.
  2. Second, pour hot water in to mug.
  3. Next, let tea filter for a minute or two
  4. Remove tea bag from mug.
  5. Add sugar and milk to make tea to your taste.

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Day 1

Today I started my internship at 11.00am here in the London Office of the North American Sports Network. I am in an office with 5 to 6 people while the rest of the operation is based in Dublin. Out of this office is where all the marketing and advertising comes. Today I spent some time reading some more about the company, running errans for the office such as making key copies and getting milk for tea (fun stuff eh?). Aside from the running around, I got a start on my first project which is a weekly newsletter that will go out to all the cusomer service call centers so they have a heads up on what is showing that week for when subscribers call in. So far so good I think.

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Internship Description

Well, I start tomorrow. I will be working for the North American Sports Network (NASN), a subscription television service similar to ESPN, in their sales and marketing departments. Specific projects/duties in the sales department include coordinating production and distribution of sales materials to key commercial organizations such as pubs, bars and hostel that would fit a match to NASN. In the marketing department, specific duties include assisting with press releases, marketing research, and creating tailored schedules/marketing for a specific magazine or purpose.

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