Tag: travel

Waiting for Santa

Ok, so it just took me an hour to get back home. Something that usually takes 15 minutes. I guess I timed my drive home with the same time that Epcot closed. Oh well. So, I am back in Florida after a full yet enjoyable two days in Minnesota. I got a chance to see my friend Anna and then got the chance to see all my family, first at Grandpa and Grandma’s party on Friday night (Thank you again Grandpa and Grandma) and then over at mom and dad’s house before I hit the plane back to Florida. I also got my first chance in three years to celebrate Christmas with my family, even if it was a day or two early.

I think it was waiting at the airport in Minneapolis yesterday that I realized that this is going to be a busy week at work. For those that have never been to Walt Disney World the week of Christmas/New Years, it is busy. We close at capacity at least once each day. So, it was while waiting for my flight to board that I looked around and saw all these families with small kids and realized that they are all going to the same place, Walt Disney World and the Magic Kingdom. My sold out flight was all following me home to Orlando. This is going to be a fun week.

Well, it’s time to head to bed and wait for Santa Claus to come. I’ve gotten most of my gifts so far but I still have a few waiting under the tree till tomorrow morning. Off to go dream of a white christmas

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2006/12/waiting-for-santa/

I’ll Be Home For Christmas…

Well, I am clocked out for the day and at home packing the final gifts in to my bag. That’s right folks, I am off to the artic tundra of Minnesota for two nights and spending some time with the family for Christmas. I will be back on Sunday for all the rush in the parks but it will be nice to be home for the family Christmas Party after not being there for three years. Can’t wait. Time to hit the airport.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2006/12/ill-be-home-for-christmas/

Holidays Begin

Well, I am just getting back from a great, but brief, trip to Naples, FL to see my Grandparents and Cousins for Thanksgiving. This is my first holiday off in three years so I figured that I would take the time off since I wasn’t scheduled. It was nice to see everyone since it has been a while especially us cousins with Lisa working in Washington, DC; Stephanie in Boston, and Stuart still at college. I got at least one nice day at the beach and used the other day to help get Grandpa set up on high-speed internet for his WebTV and get the wireless internet set up for all the visitors.

Back here in Orlando, things are work are just as busy as always. Yesterday was just “one of those days” out of the book with a lot going on and me staying very busy as coordinator dealing with lots of issues that had me walking around the train tracks several times. No, I will not be going in to detail on those as I can’t for work reasons. Let’s just say that I was happy to clock out yesterday when I did.

Today though was much better. I had a nice group for training today consisting of a husband and wife that are down from TN for a year. They are going to be great to work with and should be bringing a great deal of fresh energy to our area. For those that don’t work on Main Street, our cast is split in to the following categories; either the 15+ year club (the majority) or the <5 year club (the minority). Those that are in the 15+ club are all about the old way of things and nostalgia while the <5 year group wants it their way. It really is interesting to see the interactions throughout the day as we bringing in all these newer cast members. After work I headed over to meet up with some friends for the kick off to Holiday's Around the World at Epcot and the Osborne lights over at Disney-MGM Studios. I love the holiday time around our parks and look forward to enjoying it more once I finally have more time to commit to singing on candlelight as a stand-by on the nights that I am not scheduled. Well, that's all for now. Time to get rolling on those Christmas presents.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2006/11/holidays-begin/

Back to Reality

Ok, I am officially back in reality (OK, Disney Reality) here in Orlando. I am still recovering from my week long trip to California which included Disneyland, Disney’s California Adventure, Newport Beach and Hollywood. It is hard to be back after such a great week with friends and family. I want to say a big thank you out to my Aunt’s Parents, Carol and Ed for opening up their home for my friends and myself to enjoy the lovely Newport Beach for a day. Carol and Ed, the group greatly enjoyed the day at the beach and we want to let you know how much fun it was for you to join us for dinner in New Orleans Square.

Perfect weather the entire trip with no rain and not too cold evenings/days. I love Disneyland and the history behind the park itself and having gotten a special opportunity to ride in Walt’s train, the EP Ripley, I have a new appreciation of the Disney Heritage that I help cary on every day at the Magic Kingdom.

I don’t know what it is but, I just love California. The weather is perfect and there is no humidity like Florida. I could see myself living out there someday. Just need a job with Corporate first. This trip was different compared to last years because I got a chance to drive around a bit and get away from the world of fantasy and see what the town was like. Don’t worry, no big decision have been made to leave Florida anytime soon but, I am keeping my options open. I have a lot of exciting things in the works for my career here in Orlando to keep me busy for at least a few years.

Well, that’s all I have for now. Time to get some much needed sleep after a busy first week back from the Happiest Place on Earth.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2006/11/back-to-reality/

Somewhere over Texas

Ok, so I an bored out of my mind on the plane right now. The little screen in the seat shows that we are at 38,004 feet and just passing over Austin, TX and my iPod continues to keep me somewhat entertained so, I’ll take this time to right more for my blog on my BlackBerry to be posted when I turn on the radio in LA.

More on the trip. I am heading to Disneyland with four other friends from Disney, my best friend Joe and his friend Ryan and then two of Joe’s co-workers from Epcot Attractions, Brian and Jeff. We are all workaholics in need for a vacation considering that my last real vacation was Disneyland last year.

We are going to be in Southern California for a week, leaving next Monday evening getting back Tuesday Morning. We have more than just Disneyland planned. We are planning to head to Knott’s Berry Farm for their Halloween party thing and spend a day in Los Angles to see the city with a stop in Burbank to visit The Walt Disney Studios. Also in the plans is a trip to the beach to visit my Aunt Susan’s parents in Newport Beach. As you can see, we are maximizing our vacation.

In other news, it is nice to be back at the Magic Kingdom. I am actually back to working a lot, just finished 60 hours last week. Until my status coordinator paperwork goes through, I am doing a mix of relief coordinator and training shifts when means more money for Tom to save.

Well, back to the in-flight entertainment.

This message was sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld. This message and any reply may be short and may even include some words that are not spelled properly.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2006/10/somewhere-over-texas/