New Photos

I finally got around to cleaning up my photos page. Check out the new photos by clicking the link above or on the left.

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    • Vy on Thursday, August 19, 2004 at 22:25

    Hey there, I just found your site through I was an ICP on winter 03/04 and I miss it there so much! I worked at The Land at Epcot – do you know that? The boring pavillion with a ride through greenhouses and stuff.

    Anyway, I was wondering if you are going to stay ther until December.. Then you’d see the huge amount of Brazilians arriving there for the season! Too bad they cancelled the summer program for us. Don’t you think Disney needs Brazilians at this time of the year? I can imagine the amount of Brazilian groups there in July. All guided by someone with a flag, you just can’t mistake them!

    This is such an amazing experience, isn’t it? I also lived at Chatham Square, at building 2. Where do you live?

    Oh, I get so excited finding CM’s blogs! I shall stop now before I bore you to death.

    Have a magical day!

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