Tag: Green

New Host

So, after almost 6+ years, I decided it was time to move Webby Aquatics to a new home. Starting today, Webby Aquatics is now hosted by Super Green Hosting. Not only is are these guys cheaper than my old host, they offer so much more options and services than my old one. Most everything from my pervious install of WordPress moved over but, it looks like there might be a few random characters that will pop up due to the nature of importing and exporting SQL files.

Also, in the interest of Earth Day coming up, Webby Aquatics is now 100% Green hosted thanks to Super Green Hosting.

  • The energy used to power this websites server, is 100% ‘Green’ renewable energy
  • This website is hosted on a ‘Green’ energy efficient server
  • By going green this website has contributed to the Super Green Hosting ‘Green’ tree planting project
  • My web hosting company employ ‘Green’ ethics throughout their data centers and offices.

Green Web Hosting

So look for more updates to come!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2010/04/new-host/